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If you are a busy parent who is trying to provide the best nutrition for your children but are struggling then you are in the right place.

As a mum myself I completely understand the struggles you face. I am passionate about helping parents provide the best nutrition for their children, to help them to grow into adventurous, intuitive eaters with a positive relationship with food.

If you are looking for guidance on providing the best nutrition for your family or dealing with concerns such as weaning, fussy eating, digestive problems then you are in the right place.

If you are looking for nutrition support for your child post cancer treatment then please contact the Synthesis Clinic via email at or by phone on 01628 964330, I am available for consultations at Synthesis on Fridays.


These days there are so many different pressures as a parent. This can leave you feeling overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted and it can be really hard to find the energy and time to prioritise your own health.​​

As a Nutritional Therapist and a mum I understand exactly how you feel and how challenging it can be. I believe being a mum is a really tough job and that mums are amazing and deserve to feel amazing!​

I love working with women to bring back their energy, vitality and confidence.​

If your ready to feel amazing again then book a free health review today! Where we can chat about what you can do to regain your health!

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