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Success Stories

I highly recommend Sarah to anyone looking to make positive changes in their life. What started as a single session Health MOT, evolved to 4 sessions over the last 6 weeks. She has helped me make small yet incredibly meaningful changes that have become easy habits to maintain.
Sarah introduced me to the concept and science behind balancing my blood sugar and the benefits of intermittent fasting. What sets her apart is her ability to explain complex nutritional concepts in a way that is easy to understand, making it all the more motivating to implement these changes. In just the first two weeks of working with her, I lost 10 pounds, which is a testament to the effectiveness of the strategies she's recommended. But it's not just about the numbers on the scale - I've also experienced a significant increase in energy and focus. 
What I appreciate most about Sarah is her holistic approach to health. She didn't just provide a list of foods to eat or avoid; she took the time to understand my lifestyle and preferences. Sarah tailored the changes to my specific needs, which made it all the more sustainable.

Kaleigh, USA

“I came to Sarah a few months ago, after a few very stressful weeks where my weight had dropped significantly and my anxiety was high. She was extremely supportive and set me up with some small and simple steps to follow regarding my food habits. She also introduced a full supplement and vitamin upgrade. She gave me some necessary advice to do blood tests and we found that I was lacking some important nutrients and minerals. After just over a month of taking the suggested supplements, I am already feeling a lot more energy and my strength has returned. Overall it was a great experience working with Sarah and I would definitely recommend her to friends because she is knowledgeable and she was very kind with me during a challenging moment.”


Holly, Italy

I wanted to have some additional support with nutrition when I was breastfeeding my baby and realised he had a dairy and soya allergy. Not only was I concerned about the nutrients he was getting and how to introduce solids but also the nutrients I was getting having cut out a major food group from my own diet. I was feeling extremely stressed, fatigued and low at the time. Sarah was such a calming influence and gave me so many tools, recipes and methods to manage all the different challenges we were facing; weening not going well, his continued gut issues and my own energy levels and nutrition.We managed to get to a really stable and happy point where my son loved food and had happy gut. I have been able to really focus on my own health and well being in anticipation of going back to work and am feeling great! He is still allergic but we have found a way to manage it all and Sarah has been really instrumental - thank you!!!


Sarah, London

 I came to see Sarah as I was looking for help with my daughter as I thought she had some intolerances but I couldn’t work it out on my own. She had a skin rash, ear infections and developmental delays. I found working with Sarah very easy, we took things step by step which made the change to my daughters diet less overwhelming for both of us.

Since working with Sarah my daughters skin rash has gone, she doesn’t get ear infections anymore and she is also having some great supplements that help support her gut.

I would absolutely recommend Sarah to anyone who thinks they would benefit from a nutritionist. Sarah really supported us and what was achievable for our family without making it feel too overwhelming and we have seen some great results from these changes. 


Lucy, Reading

Sarah raised questions about things that weren't on my radar, the research she put into me was amazing. I wasn’t sure about how what she was asking me to eat and do were going to make any difference but I was wrong! 
After a month of listening and following her advice I noticed a huge change in my issues (both mentally and physically). She advised me not just on food but on a different waking up routine. 
I have just signed up to see her again as I really feel she has lots to offer, she is conscientious and caring and I felt so at ease talking to her about all my health issues. 
Thank you


Clare, Newport

I contacted Sarah as I had very bad gastritis, low mood and was quite stressed. Sarah is so warm and in our first session she took the time to understand my whole symptoms, medical history and also my whole lifestyle and stresses. She is so knowledgable about nutrition and then gives you tangible things to work on to improve not only your diet but also your mental and physical health. I found the program really useful as it was a journey and each session I got more out of it and it gave me the chance to try things out and then discuss with her. I feel amazing and the benefits have extended to my family. Sarah is a real expert in her field and she has amazing inter personal skills, you really feel you can trust her with exactly how you are feeling and your medical conditions. She gives you tangible stress relieving ideas and recipe ideas but also tips on how to manage your weaknesses (e.g mindless eating / stress eating etc..) I am going to have another session with Sarah after my package finished as its an investment in myself and a little time for “me” amongst a busy life. Thank you Sarah. 

Louise, Henley

I started seeing Sarah for advice on how dietary changes could help me to manage my long-term health condition. She was very friendly and compassionate about my issues and made me feel at ease from our first introductory session. Sarah recommended I undertake specific at home tests which helped us to understand my possible triggers and advised me on changes I could make to my diet to improve my health. I wholeheartedly recommend Sarah for not only her high level of knowledge but also her kind, empathetic and professional manner.
Thank you again for your help so far. I am so pleased with the progress I am making.

Rhia, Leicester

My nutritional journey with Sarah started down the fertility path. My partner and I had been trying to get pregnant without any success. I got in touch with Sarah for advice on creating the optimum environment for both my body and mind for fertility. Sarah was amazing. Sarah listened to my needs creating a detailed plan of action, organising appropriate tests (that I was interested in taking) and alongside all of this was a person that was extremely kind and comforting. Each session I discovered more about myself and body and really started noticing a lot of positive changes for example more energy, less brain fog, the list could go on. Sarah is extremely knowledgeable and one thing I appreciated was that she talked about nutrition in a way that was easy to understand and actionable. When it came to the end of my three sessions with Sarah, having stuck with my personal detailed plan of nutrition, I was over the moon to tell her I was pregnant. We have now started a new nutritional journey for my pregnancy. I am so pleased I got in touch with Sarah, as she has played a big part in my health journey and ultimately guided me to have the most positive outcome.


Nisha, London 

I was introduced to Sarah through a friend and I am so glad I was. She has completely changed my outlook on nutrition and the choices I make for myself and my family. Although we weren't terrible with our diet I would stick to the same types of fruit and veg and meals so lacked variety. 

Sarah helped me with some challenges my daughter was experiencing with her bowel movements and she offered me endless suggestions and ideas to try. She was always very clear that these things take time and set my expectations from the beginning that it would be lifestyle change which it has been, but only for the better. Although we aren't completely there yet with my daughter, I feel worlds apart from where we started and am feeling a lot more knowledge and equipped to manage it thanks to Sarah. 


Charlotte, Oxfordshire

Sarah helped my 8 year old son who was suffering with daily tummy pain and eczema which was affecting him at school. Within a month of seeing Sarah, his tummy pain and bad skin was gone, he had more energy and was able to sleep better at night.
I found Sarah to be hugely knowledgeable, approachable and evidence-based, and I liked the way in which she applied this to our situation. She came up with manageable dietary changes to suit our busy family life (a baby under one and a 6 year old), suggesting recipes and easy swaps/add-ins that were natural and mostly went unnoticed by the whole family. Subsequently, we healthier and happier.
Lyndsey, Henley

I had my gall bladder removed around 2 yrs ago and since then have had issues with digestion and bouts of diarrhoea that had gradually got worse.  I also have some arthritis so I started seeing Sarah.   After an initial in-depth consultation she put together a programme recommending some changes in my diet and lifestyle, recommended some supplements and tests.   Three months later I’m feeling so much better and really good in myself.  I’m also a lot more confident that I don’t have to know where the next toilet will be when I’m on holiday!!  All this is down to Sarah helping me sort out those issues, recommending some diet, supplements and a few lifestyle changes. Apart from Sarah being so enthusiastic about wellness and nutrition,  what I really liked was that everything has been achieved naturally.  So I really I can’t recommend her highly enough.

Lin, Henley

I got in touch with Sarah for some postnatal nutrition support to boost my immune system, after having a baby. Sarah is extremely knowledgable and took a real holistic approach in her advice. She is very approachable and attentive, I feel she went above and beyond and I left with a robust plan in place to follow. She focused on my personal health and lifestyle factors and tailored the information to suit my needs as a new mum. I have been struggling with my blood sugars and energy levels for a while; especially in pregnancy/  breastfeeding, however Sarah offered advice on nutritional snacks/ lunches to have in replace of my usual diet and I am already seeing the affects in a positive way. I really recommend Sarah and I am really pleased I came to her for help. I’m already looking forward to more sessions in the future!

Kelle, Devon

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